2019.9.21 (Houston, TX) -Houston Area Brothers Training

Houston Area Brothers Training – Module 2: Gospel Preaching Series


2019.9.06 – 2019.9.08 (Houston, TX)

Houston Christian Conference 2019
Video Audio Outline
Message1 Video Message1 Audio Message1 Outline
Message2 Video Message2 Audio Message2 Outline
Message3-1 Video
Message3-2 Video (Corporate Meeting)
Message3 Audio Message3 Outline
(See 2nd part of Message 2 Outline)
Message4 Video Message4 Audio Message4 Outline

2019.9.01 (Houston, TX)

Lord’s Day Fellowship regarding the History of the Church in Houston (50th year)


2019.8.17 (Houston, TX)

Sisters’ Training at the Church in Houston

Lesson 5
Lesson 6